January White Sale

January White Sale | January 2 – January 31, 2025
Is your wine rack depleted? Visit Blue Sky Vineyard during the month of January to stock up on your favorite white, rosé and blush wines and enjoy the deepest discounts of the year.
Blue Sky Vineyard has marked down all of our White Wines, Blushes and Cream Sherry 10% by the Bottle and 25% by the Case at the Winery.
On-line case purchases are discounted 10% by the Bottle and an Additional 10% OFF by the Case.
YES! We can mix cases and you will receive the same great discounts as long as you are purchasing white or blush wines.
Start the New Year off right with a case. . . .or two, at Blue Sky Vineyard. Winter is a great time to visit the winery. We are able to provide you with more personal service and you can enjoy our tasting room full of warmth and charm. We are looking forward to seeing you soon.
Click Here to visit our online wine shop.